Time is the major cost driver in any drilling and completion operation. Different Exebenus Spotter ML agents target specific problems, that being invisible lost time caused by non-optimized ROP or non-productive time caused by stuck pipe.

Exebenus Spotter is built on the philosophy of “one problem – one agent”. The Exebenus Spotter agents provide immediate customer value as a true plug & play solution, that requires no training on offset well data and is fully scalable by not needing tedious configuration or human intervention during operation.

Simple, informed and actionable advisory

Exebenus Spotter plugs into your existing WITSML data stream, relying only on surface data, is vendor neutral and visualizes the output in your existing viewers. There is no need for any additional investment in data or infrastructure as Exebenus Spotter plugs into your existing set-up.

During drilling and well construction, the ROP agent provides advice and identifies parameter combinations and changes to optimize ROP that may not be apparent through traditional routines alone. This real-time advice has been proven in field operations to significantly increase ROP, within safe operating limits, and reduce drilling time.

In operation, the Stuck Pipe Agents – Differential Sticking, Mechanical Sticking and Hole Cleaning – utilize real-time data to detect deteriorating conditions that could lead to stuck pipe and other related issues. By providing your crew with a 30-minute to four-hour heads-up prior to potential events, it prompts them to implement mitigation measures and prevent downtime.

Unmatched benefits
  • Out-of-the-box —  No requirement for historical field data, pre-training or configuration
  • Plug & play — Integrates with existing infrastructure for real-time WITSML data and applications
  • Scalablesingle wildcat well to global operations and fleetwide coverage

The rate of penetration (ROP) is a major contributor to drilling time and costs. Today, optimized ROP is achieved by adjusting the weight-on-bit, RPM and fluid flow rates, where the allowed ranges are typically obtained using time consuming and complex simulation models. In addition, uncontrollable factors such as bit dulling, buckling, vibration and formation strength influence the ROP.

Exebenus Spotter ROP machine learning agent is unique in its ability to decipher the relationship between the controllable and uncontrollable drilling parameter relationships, without needing specific training on a particular well or field.

The agent provides reliable and consistent advice, by identifying combinations of drilling parameter values – weight-on-bit, RPM and mud flow rate – that increase ROP within safe operating limits, and which may not be obvious to the naked eye based on traditional routines.

The agent’s advice is proven in field operations to increase ROP and reduce drilling time significantly.

Exceptional benefits

  • Adapt to formation, bit, BHA and fluid properties
  • Provide real-time drilling parameters, RPM, WOB and fluid flow
  • Consistent and reliable decision-support information

Exebenus Spotter Stuck Pipe Agents are designed to predict, in real time, high-risk conditions related to pressure differentials, hole cleaning conditions, restricted movement and wellbore geometry—conditions that, without intervention, typically result in costly stuck pipe situations. Warnings are provided 30 minutes to hours prior to potential events, giving rig crews sufficient time to take mitigating actions.

When used on historical real-time data as part of offset well analysis, the agents can identify unreported near-misses and potential risk areas, and provide guidance for optimizing performance in the future.


Exceptional benefits

  • Predict high-risk conditions – pressure differentials, hole cleaning conditions, restricted movement and wellbore geometry
  • Provide real-time situational awareness
  • Optimize offset well and root cause analysis

Unlike other AI/ML software, Exebenus Spotter agents do not require historical field data, pretraining or configuration. They have delivered successful results to more than 500 well operations around the world.

The agents interpret real-time data and deliver consistent, robust and reliable output that fits directly into the Real-Time Operation Center (RTOC) or monitoring provider’s work processes.

The agents connect your operations with the well—every minute, every second— providing clear, moment-to-moment actionable information and awareness of the situation downhole.

Exebenus Spotter agents consume real-time or historical WITSML data that is readily available in all well operations. Minimal human intervention and no data filtering or cleaning required.

For ease and speed, the agents output WITSML data to integrate with your operation center’s workflows and familiar real-time WITSML viewers. Within only a few days, your teams can be monitoring and analyzing data, and advising rig crews.

Exebenus Spotter is cloud-based, and agents can be deployed stand alone or as a package.

At Exebenus, we have chosen to develop targeted machine learning models rather than complex models. Why this approach?

Complex models consume vast amounts of data, and take longer to set up, train and run. In contrast, our targeted models solve well-defined problems and deliver more accurate predictions. They use data that’s always available in real time on the rig, which means our agents can be used anytime, anywhere, easily.

Our generalized “out of the box” models are adaptive enough to be used in any geographic area. They provide risk awareness and ROP optimization opportunities in various well operations.

Our robust stuck pipe agents return useful predictions based on a range of data quality. In fact, they do their best work when consuming raw, unfiltered data, and even handle data gaps.

Exebenus Spotter Stuck Pipe Agents provide reliable risk predictions within a useable timeframe, requiring only a connection to the existing WITSML system.

Our plug & play agents requires no configuration and are easy to adopt and use in any well operation. The Exebenus Spotter ROP Agent provides easy to interpret advice and recommendations on RPM, weight on bit and fluid flow to optimize ROP.

The Exebenus services team works to ensure that your company’s workflows are properly integrated and digitalized when deploying and implementing the Exebenus Spotter solution.

“We’re seeing machine learning coming into the real-time operations space primarily to do two things: to predict and to optimize. Often it’s about detecting anomalies early and avoiding hazards… uses where machine learning is improving safety and reducing operating costs.”


Exebenus offers Software as a Service (SaaS) and on-premises deployment to fit your needs. Our IT team works closely with you to ensure seamless setup and robust security, no matter where your operations are located.

  • SaaS Deployment: Quickly access Exebenus Spotter from any location with automatic updates and cloud-based security.
  • Private Cloud / On-Premises Deployment: For those requiring greater control, Exebenus Spotter can be deployed on your private cloud with full security compliance.

Exebenus Spotter deployment ensures smooth operations for businesses across the globe. Our dedicated IT team is ready to support seamless integration, with special attention to security compliance in your region.

Security First

We prioritize the security of your data. Our team ensures best practices are followed, including strong encryption and compliance with international standards to safeguard your operations worldwide.

Software as a Service

Exebenus Spotter is available on Microsoft AppSource as a convenient SaaS solution, powered by Microsoft Azure. With this platform, operators can start using the service from any location, ensuring flexibility and ease of access worldwide.

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